845 Years at GAUDLITZ – Employees honored for long staff membership

32 employees with together 845 years of working at GAUDLITZ were honored so far in the year 2012 for their long lasting loyalty to the company. The single jubilees range from 10 up to 45 years in the GAUDLITZ team. Traditionally the majority of these anniversaries are at the beginning of September - the start date of the vocational training years. At GAUDLITZ most of the honored employees are “home grown” because they are loyal to their company since their first day of the vocational training.

In addition to selected presents, we traditionally also organize a field trip which lead this year to Munich. Since GAUDLITZ mostly is a supplier company for the automotive industry, the relation to work was also given while having an exclusive plant tour at BMW.

The participants were impressed by the state of the art technology in the production of the premium cars and proud that “their” GAUDLITZ parts are also being integrated.