Arab Health - GAUDLITZ goes Middle East

The Arab Health exhibition & congress is the leading international healthcare event in the Middle East and brings together manufacturers, organizations as well as experts in the healthcare sector.

In the framework of the international focus, GAUDLITZ participated for the first time at a joint stand with its diagnostics partner from January, 23 - 26, 2012. The focus of this fair was placed on the presentation of various product components for the medical industry, especially the in-house product pattern like the All in One Pen as well as single-use articles for the laboratory. The All in One Pen represents a new platform technology and does not only integrate the single elements of a quick test in only one device but provides the functions in an appealing design in the size of a pen. Laboratories profit from the sample preparation device for stool testing, which is based on modules and use it for a hygienically creation of stool testing suspensions. It is possible to prepare different dosages with a variable notch and color design.

The Arab Health has provided a perfect environment for GAUDLITZ to present its products in one of the fastest growing and lucrative healthcare markets to the world.